It was not only “Ero” the chairman of the Defunct Parliament it was all of them

One Parliamentarian from Gabiley accused Mr. “Ero” of stalled thus denied the rights of the community in Gabiley to have their well deserved Region with out prejudice. Well that is not all correct. It was not only him; it was all the Somaliland leaders past and present. It seems that there is a collective envy against Gabiley!

  1. A) In Somaliland some communities secured their region status under a demonic deal which they collaborated with Siyad Barre’s genocidal regime in conjunction with his policy of ethnic cleansing directed against Somaliland people’. They abided that deal and they got their Regions in that way!

Ironically the liberated 2nd Republic of Somaliland leadership accepted and recognized the said deal while deceptively obstructed Gabiley’s right to get a region status which she very well earned and deserved!

  1. B) Other community secured its Region status because the President was from that community and Somaliland accepted that as well! Gabiley was not in either situation

Gabiley liberated Somaliland and shed blood and treasury and in return Somaliland snubbed her

Gabiley was one of the Principle communities which again sacrificed every thing and built this Republic from ground zero, yet Somaliland leaders denied her well deserved right to have their Region!!

Gabiley unlike some other Recognized Regions fulfills all requirements of a Region yet every President from Egale to Riyales to Silanyo deprived Gabiley her rights to secure her deserved Region status, so it was not only “Ero” to blame for this, it was all of them. It seems that Somaliland sees Gabiley as a threat and not as a blessing, by virtue of:

Only two or three regions of the so called six regions can claim some or all of what Gabiley has! When that is the case Gabiley is constrained and therefore incumbent upon her to seek what ever avenues and means and where ever else she can get her rights


PS: the author is not defending Mr.“Ero” but just correcting the parliamentarian from Gabiley who singled out “Ero” as the only demon there against Gabiley.

The author was a former Kulmiye Party member. Now he is not a member of any of the Somaliland political parties of to day

Ibrahim M Mead

Ottawa, Canada

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