The World cannot find the Courage to Recognise Somaliland (Part- I) By: Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh (Hussein Deyr) [Hargeisa, Somaliland]

hargeisa( Wajaalenews) Sunday, December 22, 2013
The western powers and their allies are utterly convinced that failed states are the seedbed for terrorism and extremism

in spite of all atrocities and the brutal actsthat the population of Somaliland has suffered at the hands of the former cruelregime of Somalia, they succeeded to provide themselves a peaceful andcongenial environment in which the country?s inhabitants can again resume anormal life and live side by side in peace and harmony. The people ofSomaliland Republic have been successfully occupied in rebuilding theirdestroyed country, consolidating its democracy process through free and fairelections for the fifth time, from the local government councils (2x), thenational parliament (1X) as well as for the presidency (2X) in keeping with therequirement of Somaliland?s constitution and rule of law as well as theinternationally accepted democratic standards. Somaliland?s case is unique one;it is the region?s youngest and good functioning democracy. Somaliland Republichas beyond every doubt demonstrated throughout its credentials, democraticachievements and sustained stability a belief in a constructive engagement ininternational issues for peace and security development.


The western powers and their allies are utterlyconvinced that failed states are the seedbed for terrorism and extremism. Thelong-term solution for this global challenge is establishing democraticinstitutions and multi-party elections. Unfortunately this principle is notapplied more widely. Somaliland?s case is a quite clear example of theambivalent morality of the Western Super powers, and in some way it underlineshow they always engage in a double standard policy approach: saying one thingbut doing something completely different. Democracy, good governance, freemarket and respect for human rights are fully embraced by the West as long asthis serves for their political and economic interests. If that is not thecase, democracy and other international standards suddenly become considered tobe risky and the West looks to the other end. Despite nearly 23 years of peace,stability, democracy and development the world cannot find the courage torecognise Somaliland as a sovereign state.


The leaders of the free world, the so-called custodiansand curators of the global democratic values have many questions to answer!Somaliland?s democratic achievement presents a genuine moral challenge inrelation to the values and norms the Western world stands for. The Westerncountries are continuously ignoring the rights for self-determination of thisbrave and resourceful nation and at the same time the world is rewarding andtaking seriously one of the world?s classic failed state (Somalia), which is anunprecedented moral dilemma! Somaliland should have long been recognised as amember of international community, at least it had deserved to be regarded asde facto independent nation. Somaliland has already met all the criteria andrequirements that were necessary to qualify as a separate country.


The union of the two countries was a failure byany measure:

Legally, historically and politically Somalilandhas a unique case for seeking and demanding tirelessly internationalrecognition. The Republic of Somaliland was once an independent and sovereigncountry that voluntarily merged with Italian Somalia and the nuptialsfailed.  The union of the two countries(1960-1991) was an indisputable failure by any measure and the popularreferendums in Somaliland (in 2000) have shown immovable resistance to itsrestoration. Today, Somaliland could have enjoyed its independence and wouldhave been a success story had they not voluntarily united with Somalia Italianoon 26th June 1960.


The voluntarily union with Somalia has causednothing else but destruction and lost opportunity for millions ofSomalilanders. It was a missed opportunity prospect that obviously never turnsback. However, the people of the Somaliland Republic will not, cannot and mustnot make another historic and costly mistake; they will never fall again intoanother trap of their own making by sacrificing the hard-won independence andsovereignty for the sake of an unfruitful and problematic concept of theGreater Somalia.



I believe that the international community ismaking a very serious mistake by ignoring the reality on the ground in the Hornof African Region. The people of Somaliland Republic have shown to the outsideworld their value, belief and exceptional quality with respect to dealing andadoption of universal democratic norms and values. Somaliland?s democracy modelis an encouraging and promising sign for all African states, which can leadthat Africa makes overtures to the right direction.


The Republic of Somaliland should have been longrecognised as a member of international community. The people of Somalilandshould have been rewarded for their credentials, democratic achievements andsustained stability in a volatile region. However, the UN still clings to anabsurd notion that Somaliland should rejoin its wayward and unruly neighbour,Somalia. Also the USA, the EU, Britain and the rest of the world seem contentto sit idly by and not to act to preserve this young African democracy. May bethey (the western powers) would have acted when this brave and resourcefulnation descends into the familiar chaos of its neighbour (Somalia), which canonly harm the entire Horn Region and, surely the rest of the world will pay theprice!!


Long Live and may ALLAH bless the SomalilandRepublic and its Noble people


Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh (Hussein Deyr) [Hargeisa,Somaliland]

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