IHSAN Auditing And Consulting Firm (IACF)!
February 20, 2023 - Written by Editor:IHSAN Auditing and Consulting Firm (IACF) is a leading multi-disciplinary audit, Accounting and consulting firm dedicated to one goal. We help clients grow their business internationally, increasing the value of their global organization. We view each client, and each member of our firm, as individuals. Our team comprises professionals with key local and international focus and an understanding of diverse cultures to ensure that we bring proper professional perspective to the services we provide to. They also have extensive experience in performing audits, Accounting, Business Management, Training on Marketing & Customer care, HR consulting, Business plans, Proposal writing and monitoring & Evaluation. Our dynamic development began in 2005 when Mr Abdirazak founded Ihsan Auditing & Consulting Firm in Hargeisa, Somaliland. Since then, we have expanded offices in Djibouti, Mogadishu and Baidao of Somalia.
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