Hay’ad Caalami Ah Oo Saadaalisay In Xisbiga KULMIYE Iyo Madaxwayne Biixi Lagaga Guulaysan Doono Doorashada Madaxtinimo Ee Sannadka 2022-ka! | WAJAALE NEWS
Hay’ad Caalami Ah Oo Saadaalisay In Xisbiga KULMIYE Iyo Madaxwayne Biixi Lagaga Guulaysan Doono Doorashada Madaxtinimo Ee Sannadka 2022-ka!
January 25, 2022 - Written by Editor:

Hargeysa (W,N)-Africa Center for Strategic Studies oo warbixin xiiso badan ka qoray sannadkan Doorashooyinka ka dhacaya Dalalka Qaarada afrika oo ay ka mid yihiin Libya, Somalia, Mali, Guinea, Kenya, Chad Iyo Somaliland

Doorashooyinka ku soo waajahan Somaliland ayay sidoo kale warbixinta ku xuseen iyaga oo sheegay in Xisbiga KULMIYE iyo Madaxweyne Biixi lagaga guulaysan doono doorashada madaxtinimo ee sannadka 2022-ka. Hadii ay qabsoonto.

“Inkasta oo aan si rasmi ah u aqoonsanayn, haddana waxa laga yaabaa inay Somaliland ka dhacdo mid ka mid ah doorashooyinka dimuqraadiga ah ee ugu dimoqraadiga badan ee ka dhici doona Afrika sannadkan 2022….”

Halkan Ka Akhri Warbixinta qaybta Ay somaliland Ka Qortay

Somaliland Presidential, November 13

Legislative, May 31

While not officially recognized by any state, one of the most democratic presidential elections to be held in Africa in 2022 may well be in Somaliland. Since 1991, Somaliland has held regular presidential and legislative elections that have resulted in periodic alternations of power. This was the result in the May 2021 Lower House and Local Council elections, in which the governing Kulmiye Peace, Unity and Development Party won fewer seats than the opposition alliance of the Waddani National Party and the Justice and Welfare Party in a close election. The results were quickly accepted by Kulmiye leaders and the opposition alliance was subsequently able to select the new leader of the House of Representatives.

“Somaliland has navigated a positive democratic trajectory because of the strong democratic culture that has been embraced by its nearly 6 million residents.”

These local elections may be a harbinger for the presidential elections where Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi of the ruling Kulmiye party is seeking a second 5-year term. Analysts suggest Bihi will need to govern more inclusively if he hopes to win in November, paying particular attention to shoring up constituencies in the east of the territory where turnout (amounting to 64 percent overall) was relatively lowest. At the least, the results show the competitiveness of Somaliland’s three-party electoral system and the accountability it holds for incumbent leaders.

Somaliland has navigated a positive democratic trajectory because of the strong democratic culture that has been embraced by its nearly 6 million residents. This is backed by consensus among all three parties on the importance of resolving differences through negotiation without disrupting the territory’s cherished reputation for stability.

Somaliland’s institutions, however, remain underdeveloped and in need of strengthening. This includes establishing more clarity and consistency in the timeframe for holding elections. The previous election for the House of Representatives was in 2005 and for Local Council in 2012. The Upper House of Elders, also known as the Guurti, is generally considered to have played a valuable moderating role in finding consensus around political disagreements. However, its members were last selected in the early 2000’s and its seats are passed by hereditary succession. The Guurti elections of May 2022, therefore, will go far in reinvigorating Somaliland’s democratic tapestry. To avoid fragmentation, Somaliland also has a stipulation limiting the political arena to three parties. Party licenses are awarded every 10 years based on elections. This process is set to take place in December, capping off what will be a busy electoral calendar in 2022.

