Maamulkii Hawada Somalia Waxa Gacanta Ku Haya Xukuumada Ugu Musuqa Badan Dunida! | WAJAALE NEWS
Maamulkii Hawada Somalia Waxa Gacanta Ku Haya Xukuumada Ugu Musuqa Badan Dunida!
August 16, 2019 - Written by Editor:

Waxa Maalmahan Safar Ku joogay Canada ?? Wasiiro ka tirsan Xukuumada Farmaajo. Jamaal Maxamed Xassan iyo Maxamed Cabdullahi Salaad Oomaar oo Ku kala magacaban Wasiirka Qorshaynta Maalgashiga & Horumarinta Dhaqaalaha, iyo Wasiirka Duulista iyo Hawada ee Xukuumada Farmaajo.

Waxay ka mid yihiin Wasiirada ugu musuq-maasuqa baddan dunida kana tirsan Xukuumada iyo Dalka ugu musuqmaasuqa badan addunyada oo idil.

Jaaliyadaha Somaliland iyo kuwa Soomaaliyeed haka hor mudaharaadeen xafiiska International Civil Aviation Organization oo ku yaal Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Si Caalamka aan ugu sheegno khatarta dunida ka soo foodsaaraysa Wareejintii aan taxadarkii loo baahnaa aan la siinin ee Maamulka Hawada Soomaaliya loogu wareejiyay Xukuumada Dalka Dunida ugu musuqmaasuqa badan, isla markaadina ah Xukuumada ay si xoogan ugu dhex milmeen xubno farobadan oo wardoon u ah kooxaha argagixisada xag jirka ah, ee dunidu dagaalka kula jirto

Baaqan hoos Ku qoran waxa loo diray Xoghayaha GUUD ee Qaramada Midoobay, Golaha Amaanka iyo Ururka Caalamka u Qaabilsan Maamulka Hawada ‘International Civil Aviation Organization’. Cidii danaynaysaa waa ay sii faafin kartaa, sido kale Email ahaan ayay ugu diri karaan dhinacyada kor Ku qoran ee loo diray BAAQAN.


Somalia iyo Somaliland ha Guulaystaan



Urgent Appeal: World Airspace Security Threats posing by Corrupted Somalia’ Aviation Authority

Date: August 16, 2019

To: His Excellent António Guterres,

Secretary General of United Nation

New York, US

To:United Nations Security Council (UNSC)

United Nations (UN) Headquarters

First Avenue at 46th Street New York, NY 10017

United States of America

To: The International Civil Aviation Organization

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Hon. Secretary General,

You are well aware that the our country of Somalia ranks the world’s most corrupt country. Insecurity and international terrorist groups fighting in the country is also a major issues; the ongoing instability greatly restricts business. Corrupt government officials tolerate illegal activities in return for bribes. Dysfunctional institutions facilitate an environment of lawlessness, and the absence of any form of regulatory framework hinders prospects of economic competitiveness.

Although, the global corruption watchdog Transparent International in 14 consecutive years, put Somalia the most world’s corrupted country. Unfortunately, the U.N. body responsibility airspace control has handled the management of Somalia’s aviation and airspace control to the corrupted government officials of Somalia, this move poses dangerous security threats to millions of Somalis and many more world population who in one way or other use air transportation.

When Somalia collapsed 1991, the International Civil Aviation Organization and the United Nations Development Programme of Somalia has created in 1996 the Civil Aviation Caretaker Authority of Somalia (CACAS) as a civil aviation authority programme, with a mandate in Somalia.

Unfortunately on December 28, 2017 the International Civil Aviation Organization without consult the concerned Somali parts and without sufficient study of the consequences arisen to transfer the management and operation of Somalia’s airspace control authority to the failed government of Somalia. According to the Transparent International, in 14 consecutive years put Somalia at the bottom as world’s most corrupted country.

The government of Somalia which UN has transferred the airspace control authority doesn’t have the mandate of all Somalia citizens through free and fair elections.

There are credible and undisputed reports issued by UN and other world reliable institutions and intelligences that high lighter how far the intelligences cells of terrorist groups has meddled in all levels and ranks of Somalia Federal Government.

Allowing the corrupted Somali Federal Government Aviation officials to manage and have the authority to control of Somalia airspace and aviation is putting the whole security of world aviation and airspace control in a very risky and dangerous hands.

Therefore, We the concerned Somalia and Somaliland grass root democratic movements and human rights activists, are jointly calling His Excellent António Guterres, the UN Secretary General, the UN Security Council and the International Civil Aviation Organization:-

1;To revoke the management and responsibility of Somalia airspace control from the corrupted and terrorists friendly Federal Government of Somalia.

2;-Establish an other new Civil Aviation Caretaker Authority for Somalia which can be stationed in one of IGAD members such as Djibouti, Ethiopia or Kenya.

3;The Employee of new Civil Aviation Caretaker Authority of Somalia should be recruited outside Somalia because the security threats and corruption spread in Somali people and territories.

4;We emphasizes that UN should not transfer the Somalia airspace control until Somali people reach successful reconciliation agreements particularly until the Somaliland and Somalia agree their future relationship.

5;Finally UN can transfer of Somalia’s airspace control when a UN appointed experts on the security and airspace fields recommend that the transfer of Airspace Control Authority to the Somalia and Somaliland is safe to take the effect.

BY; Suleiman I Bolaleh


Horn of Africa Human Rights Watch Committee (Horn Watch)