Agaasimahii Hore Ee Sirdoonka Somalia Fahad Yasin oo Qaramada Midoobey Ay Siisay Qandaraas Lagula Dagaalamayo Kooxda Al-shabaab
July 2, 2019 - Written by Reporter:Muqdisho (WJN) – Xogaha Wararkan oo Lagu Faafiyey Warbaahinta Caalamka ayaa Lagu Sheegay Waxbadan oo Bulshada Soomaalida ayna ogayn Waxaana Tibaaxeen Xogahani Sidan-Si loola dagaallamo dhaqdhaqaaqa Islaamiyiinta Al-Shabaab iyadoo loo adeegsanayo warbaahinta bulshada, Qaramada Midoobay (UN) iyo Midowga Afrika (AU) waxay sameeyeen olole warbaahineed oo ballaadhan. Ololaha oo si kor loogu sii wado ayaa waxaa metelaya idaacado ka shaqeeya idaacadaha maxaliga ah ee ku yaala bartamaha Al Shabaab ee saameynta ku leh Saddex ka mid ah xarumaha istaraatiijiyadeed ee ugu muhiimsani waxay muhiim noqotay in agaasime ku xigeenka Hay’adda Nabadsugida Qaranka (NISA) Fahad Yasin Haji Daahir. Heshiisyada la siiyay hay’adda Isgaadhsiinta Horn Connect ee Qaramada Midoobay iyo Midowga Afrika waxay u dhigantaa $ 4 milyan sanadkiiba. Xarunta Xafiiska hay’adan 800 mitir u jirta safaarada Qatari ee magaalada Mogadiscio, oo ka dambeysa Safari Hotel kaas oo waxyeeleeyay weerarkii bamka ee Al-Shabaab bishii Oktoobar 14, 2017, waa dhismaha warbaahinta HornConnect. Hay’addu waxay haysaa xog hoose, laakiin waxay sheegtay in ay ka shaqeysay xarunteeda TV-ga Al Jazeera, BBC iyo China CCTV. HornConnect ayaa sidoo kale fulisay howlgallo ay ka mid yihiin Hay’adaha Caalamiga ah ee Shaqaalaha (ILO) iyo, iyada oo loo marayo Xafiiska Taageerada Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya (UNSOS), Midowga Afrika Intii u dhexeysay dhammaadka 2017 iyo dhammaadka 2018, HornConnect wuxuu saddex xarumo raadiye u sameeyey UNSOS oo ku taalla bartamaha Al-Shabaab ee saameynta ku leh, kuwani waxay ku jiraan magaalooyinka waaweyn ee Beledweyne (bartamaha Soomaaliya), Baydhabo (koonfur galbeed) iyo Kismaayo ( Koonfur). Istaraatiijiyad ahaan, xarumahan saddexda magaalo waxay sidoo kale u adeegaan saldhigyada ciidamada Jabuuti, Burundi iyo Kenya ee la shaqeeya Howlgalka Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya (AMISOM). Suxufi hore oo u adeegga sirdoonka kaas oo ka shaqeeya xafiiska Soomaalida ee Al Jazeera, sidoo kale ninkan reer Qadar ee Mogadisho. Ayaa Madaxwaynaha hadda Maxamad Cabdilaahi Farmaajo, ayaa ka walwalsan xidhiidhka uu ninkani la leeyahay Doha iyo saameynta uu u keeni karo in uu ka qaado xogo rasmiya ra’iisal wasaaraha Xasan Cali Khayre, QM iyo doorka AU Runtii maaha kaliya ra’iisal wasaaraha Soomaaliya Fahad Yasin ayaa badiyay. Ergayga gaarka ah ee Midawga Afrika ee Soomaaliya, Francisco Madeira, ayaa lagu dhaleeceeyay Midowga Afrika sababtoo ah xidhiidhkiisa dhow ee Fahad Yasin Qaramada Midoobay (UN), dhanka kale, isha ku hayso agaasime kuxigeenka NISA oo ay tuhunsan yihiin in ay hoos imaanayaan kooxaha xagjirka ah ee al-Shabaab. Yasin wuxuu ahaa wakhti dheer xubin ka tirsan dhaqdhaqaaqa Wahaabiyada Al Ittihad al Islami, Sida laga soo xigtay wargeysyada gudaha ee HornConnect, oo ay Afrika Intelligence soo galisay, Yasin ma aanu qeyb ka qaadan wadahadalada u horseedda saddexda idaacadeed ee UN-ka ee ku yaalla Beledweyne, Baydhabo iyo Kismayo. Agaasimaha Fulinta Horn Connect Cabdirashiid Siraj ayaa mas’uul ka ahaa mashruuca Siraj, oo sidoo kale xubin ka ah guddiga fulinta ee Bankiga Dhexe, ayaa xidhiidh la sameeyay Zimbabwe Regis Nyamakanga, oo ah agaasimaha mashruuca Kooxda Taageerada Warfaafinta (IST), oo ah hay’add UN-AU ah oo mas’uul ka ah isgaadhsiinta labada hay’adaha Soomaaliya Nyamakanga, oo ahaa suxufi hore oo ka shaqeynayay wargeyska Maalgashiga Ganacsi ee Koonfur Afrika, ayaa la xidhiidhay madaxa xoghayaha UNSOS Anne Bwomezi si uu u dejiyo faahfaahinta hawlgalka UNSOS, waxay bixisay Horn Connect talooyin ku saabsan nidaamka hindisada, sidoo kale Markii shirkadda loo doortay inay ka shaqeyso xarumaha idaacadda, hay’adda Qaramada Midoobay ayaa amartay raadiyaha iyo qalab kale oo lagu keydiyo Xarunta Logistics ee Qaramada Midoobay ee Muqdisho. Waxaan la xidhiidhnay Regis Nyamakanga laakiin wuu diiday inuu ka jawaabo su’aalahayaga. Shirkadda Nabadgelyada Gaarka ah Garda World waxay qabataa howsha hindisaha Wicitaannada hindisada ah ee Horn Connect ayaa waxaa soo abaabulay IST, kuwaas oo maamulkooda ku wareejiyay shirkadda ammaanka Kanada ee Gardaworld. Tani maaha shirkaddii ugu horeysay ee shirkadda ee Soomaaliya laakiin marka ay qandaraas ku hayso Afrika Intelligence, si kastaba ha ahaatee, waxay diiday inay ka jawaabto su’aalaha, Sanadkii 2016-ka, oo ay wehliyaan xubno ka tirsan ururka Rapid-ka ee Losberger, ADEN Services, Gunnebo iyo Thales, Garda world wuxuu ku lug lahaa dagaal sharci ah oo lagu dhisayo “cagaaran” caan ah oo ku yaala Muqdisho oo ay la socdeen saaxiibkii hore ee Somsec (Eeg qoraalka daabacan Sirdoonka Online). Sannadka soo socda, shirkadda Canadian heshay qandaraas ay ku tababarayso booliska oo ka tirsan Qaybta Goodir. Helitaanka habka UN Si aad uga jawaabto baaqa QM ee Qaramada Midoobey, Siraj wuxuu abuuray laba shirkadood, Qalabka Akhbaaraha iyo Saameynta, talada kooxda UNSOS oo ku salaysan xafiisyada HornConnect, Wicitaanadaas waxaa lagu qabtey wareegyo dhowr ah, taas oo u suurta gelisay shirkadda in ay la qabsato dalabkeeda baahiyaha UN-ta iyada oo geeddi-socodka la sii waday, si looga badbaado halista ah in la tirtiro Si loo daboolo shuruudaha UNSOS, waxay qaadatay kalsooni kale. HornConnect waxaa loo malaynayay in ay xarumaheeda raadiyaha ku xidho ururrada beesha ee ku yaala meelo ay qorsheyneyso in ay isku dhisto, Qaramada Midoobey waxay dooneysay in ay ka fogaato guul daradii ka soo gaadhay Radio Bar Kulan, oo la aasaasay sannadkii 2010-kii. Rakaabku ma laheyn xeryo maxalli ah oo ay ku dhamaatay kalsoonida dadka dhagaystayaasha ah. HornConnect oo aan laheyn xididada degaanka ah ee u gaarka ah si ay u dhisto, waxaa loo go’aamiyay in ay abuurto ururo cusub oo beeleed ka soo jeeda. Ururka Baidoa Development Association waxaa loo asaasay koox maxalli ah si loogu taageero Beerlula Radio ee Baydhabo, Magaalada Kismaayo, Hiiraan Daryeelka Hiiraan ayaa soo hagaagay xilligii saxda ahaa ee ay ku caawin laheyd Raadiyaha Waamo iyo, Beledweyne, Hay’ada Nabadda iyo Xuquuqda Insaanka ee Alanley waxay u muuqatay in ay taageerto Arlaadi Radio Xaqiiqda ah in ururadaas laga abuuray waxba maaha inay HornConnect iyo shirkadaha la xidhiidha ay awoodaan inay muujiyaan in ay leeyihiin xididada degaanka ayna ka cararin IST, Regis Nyamakanga waxaa lagu wargeliyay magacyada la soo jeediyay ee ururada. Amniga, hay’adaha caalamiga ah iyo NGO-yada Haddii heshiisyada isgaadhsiintu ayna aheyn mid caadi ah shirkadaha ammaanka gaarka ah sida GardaWorld, xidhiidhkooda ay la leeyihiin hay’adaha caalamiga ah iyo ururada aan dowliga ahayn (NGO-yada) ayaa si cad u muuqda. Ma aha oo keliya hay’adaha in ay si joogta ah ugu baaqaan askar gaar ah si ay u siiyaan amniga, shirkadaha amniga laftoodu waxay kala duwanyihiin horumarinta iyo hawlaha bani’aadamnimada. Hay’adda USAID ee Horumarinta Caalamiga ah (USAID), oo dhinaca kale ah, ayaa qorsheysay in ay qaaddo waddada dhabta ah. Sanadkii 2018, hay’addu waxay soo jeedisay in ay dejiso kooxo horumarineed oo degdeg ah (RED), oo ka kooban shaqaale gargaar bani’aadamnimo ah oo tababbarro milatari soo maray iyaga oo ujeedadoodu tahay inay awood u yeeshaan inay dhexgalaan deegaan colaadeed, Daraasad suurta gal ah oo lagu ogaanayo mashruuca, kaas oo loogu talagalay in USAID ay kaalin weyn ka qaadato bixinta amniga ee danaha Maraykanka, ayaa waxaa taageeray dhowr hay’adood oo sare oo ka tirsan hay’adda. Warbixintan oo ay daabacday warbaahinta caalamiga ah ee African Intelegence oo ay soo turjuntay Shabakada Wajaalenews, ayaa isagoo afka ingriisiga ku qoran u dhignaa sidan:- SOMALIA : Deputy intelligence director Fahad Yasin is UN sub-contractor in fight against Al Shabaab Africa Intelligence 0 01/07/2019 108363433 – AIA nº0 To counter the Al Shabaab Islamist movement which makes great use of social media, the United Nations (UN) and the African Union (AU) have set up a wide-ranging information campaign. The campaigns advance positions are represented by a host of local radio stations situated at the heart of Al Shabaab’s zone of influence. Three of the most strategically important stations are linked to National. Intelligence Security Agency (NISA) deputy director Fahad Yasin Haji Dahir. The contracts awarded to his HornConnect communications agency by the UN and the AU are worth $4 million per year. Just 800 metres from the Qatari embassy in Mogadiscio, behind the Safari Hotel which was damaged in an Al Shabaab car bomb attack on October 14 2017, are the premises of the HornConnect media group. The agency keeps a low profile but claims to have worked for Qatar’s Al Jazeera TV station, the BBC and China’s CCTV. HornConnect has also carried out missions for such bodies as the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and, via the United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS), the African Union. Between the end of 2017 and the end of 2018, HornConnect set up three radio stations for UNSOS in the heart of Al Shabaab’s zone of influence: these are in the major cities of Beledweyne (central Somalia), Baidoa (south west) and Kismayo (south). Strategically positioned, these three urban centres also serve as bases for the Djiboutian, Burundian and Kenyan forces serving with the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). Shareholders are key regime figures UN partner HornConnect is controlled by three leading figures in the governing regime in Mogadiscio. They include Farah Sheika Abdulkadir, a former minister of presidential affairs and then justice, who is a native of Beledweyne, one of the towns from which HornConnect transmits the UN’s message. Former interior minister Abdikarim Hussein Guled, who is also a former chairman of the Galmudug region in central Somalia, is another shareholder. Although Abdulkadir Mohamed and Hussein Guled no longer have any official functions, this is not the case for HornConnect’s third and biggest shareholder, National Intelligence Security Agency (NISA) deputy director Fahad Yasin Haji Dahir. A close associate of former justice minister Abdulkadir, he was appointed to his current post on August 16 2018. When it was contacted by Africa Intelligence, HornConnect claimed that “it is completely false that HornConnect is owned by the Deputy Director of the National Intelligence Security Agency”. Sources in Mogadiscio confirmed, however, that he is a shareholder. A former journalist, the intelligence services number two, who, notably, ran the Somali office of Al Jazeera, is also Qatar’s man in Mogadiscio. Current president Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed Farmajo is concerned, moreover, about his links with Doha and the influence he can bring to bear on prime minister Hassan Ali Khayre. The UN and the AU’s role It is not just the Somali prime minister Fahad Yasin has won over. African Union (AU) special envoy in Somalia, Francisco Madeira, is criticised within the AU because of his close relations with Fahad Yasin. The United Nations (UN), on the other hand, keep a close eye on the NISA deputy director who they suspect of being under the control of groups linked to the fundamentalists of Al Shabaab. Yasin was for a long time a member of the Wahhabite movement Al Ittihad al Islami. According to numerous HornConnect internal documents, to which Africa Intelligence has had access, Yasin did not take part in the negotiations leading to the setting up of the three radio stations on behalf of the UN in Beledweyen, Baidoa and Kismayo. HornConnect executive director Abdirashid Siraj was in charge of the project. Siraj, who is also a member of the executive committee of the Central Bank of Somali, made contact with Zimbabwean Regis Nyamakanga, project director at the Information Support Team (IST), a joint UN-AU body which has charge of the communications of both institutions in Somalia. Nyamakanga, a former journalist himself who worked for a time at South Africa’s Business Day newspaper, contacted UNSOS information chief Anne Bwomezi to settle the details of the operation. UNSOS provided HornConnect with advice on the tender procedures, moreover. Once the company had been chosen to operate the radio stations, the UN agency loaned it radio and other equipment stored at the UN’s Mogadishu Logistic Base. We contacted Regis Nyamakanga but he declined to respond to our questions. Private security firm GardaWorld handles tender process The tender calls won by HornConnect were organised by the IST, which handed over their management to Canadian security firm Gardaworld. This was not the company’s first venture in Somali territory but when it was contracted by Africa Intelligence, however, it declined to respond to our question. In 2016, along with fellow Rapid consortium members Losberger, ADEN Services, Gunnebo and Thales, Gardaworld was involved in a legal battle over construction of the European “green zone” in Mogadiscio with its former partner Somsec (See the article published by our sister publication Intelligence Online). The following year, the Canadian company obtained a contract to train policemen belonging to the Goodir Unit. Getting into UN mode To respond to the UN tender call, Siraj set up two companies, Smart and Impact Solutions, on the advice of the UNSOS team which are based in the offices of HornConnect. These tender calls were carried out in several rounds, enabling the company to adapt its bid to the UN’s needs as the process proceeded, so escaping the risk of elimination. To meet the requirements of UNSOS, it adopted another stratagem. HornConnect was supposed to link its radio stations to community-based organisations in the places in which it planned to establish itself. The UN wanted to avoid the failure it suffered with Radio Bar Kulan, which was set up in 2010. The station had no local anchorage and ended up losing the confidence of its listeners. HornConnect not having local roots of its own to build on, it was decided to create new community-based organisations from scratch. The Baidoa Development Association was set up as a local group to provide support for Beerlula Radio in Baidoa. In Kismayo, the Hiran Welfare Society sprung up at just the right moment to help run Radio Waamo and, in Beledweyene, the Alanley Peace & Human Rights Organization appeared to provide support for Arlaadi Radio. The fact that these associations were created from nothing to enable HornConnect and its associated companies to be able to show that they had local roots did not escape the attention of the IST. Regis Nyamakanga was informed of the names proposed for the associations. Security, international institutions and NGOs If communications contracts are not common for private security companies like GardaWorld, their links with the international organisation and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are increasingly evident. Not only do the institutions regularly call in private soldiers to provide them with security, the security companies themselves are diversifying increasingly into development and humanitarian activities. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), on the other hand, had planned to take the reverse route. In 2018, the agency proposed setting up Rapid Expeditionary Development (RED) teams, comprising humanitarian personnel who had undergone military training with a view to enabling them to be able to intervene in hostile environments. A feasibility study into the project, which was intended to enable USAID to play a bigger role in the provision of security for American interests, was backed by several senior figures at the agency.
Source: African Intelegence Wajaalenews Desk Hargeysa Office Wajalenews@gmail.com Related posts:DAAWO; Wasiirka Waxbarashada Oo Dugsi Sare Ka Dhagax Dhigay Degmada Lafta farawayne Iyo Salaadiin Iy... Munaasibad balaadhan Oo Lagu Xusayay Maalinta Qarrannimada Jsl Oo Lagu Qabtay Magaalada Toronto Ee D... Daawo :Taliyaha Boliska Laascaanod Oo Ka Warbixiyay Mudaharaad Rabshada Watta Oo Ka Dhacay Laascanoo... COMMENTS