Amnesty International oo War-saxaafadeed Ka Soo Saartay Xadhiga Abwaan Cabdiraxmaan Abees | WAJAALE NEWS
Amnesty International oo War-saxaafadeed Ka Soo Saartay Xadhiga Abwaan Cabdiraxmaan Abees
February 20, 2019 - Written by Reporter:

Hargeysa (WJN)- Hay”adda xaquuqal iinsaanka caalamiga ah ee (Amnesty International), ayaa maanta war-saxaafaadeed ay soo saartay waxa ay ku cambaareeyay xadhiga Abwaan Cabdiraxmaan Abees oo mudo ka badan bilk u xidhan magaalada Hargeysa.

War-saxaafadeedkan  ay soo saartay Hay”adda xaquual iinssaanka Amnesty International oo nuqul ka mid ahi soo gaadhay Shabakada Wajaalenews oo ku qoran luuqada Ingiriisiga ah ayaa u dhignaa sidan:-

First UA: 17/19 Index: AFR 52/9798/2019 Somaliland Date: 6 February 2019 URGENT ACTION POET HELD OVER POEM CALLING FOR GOVERNMENT REFORM Abdirahman Ibrahim Adan, a poet in Somaliland, has been in detention since 12 January.

He was arrested after he had recited a poem the previous day in which he called on the Somaliland government to reform its prisons and criminal justice system. TAKE ACTION: WRITE AN APPEAL IN YOUR OWN WORDS OR USE THIS MODEL LETTER Attorney General Hassan Ahmed Adam Somaliland Email: Dear Attorney General, I am writing to you on the case of Abdirahman Ibrahim Adan (also known as Abdirahman Abees).

Abdirahman is a poet and a Somaliland-British dual national. He was arrested in Hargeisa on 12 January in connection with a poem he recited on 11 January at the Mansoor Hotel in Hargeisa. In the poem, he highlighted issues being faced in Somaliland such as police brutality, arbitrary detention and the degrading treatment of prisoners. The poem also called on the Somaliland government to reform its prisons and the criminal justice system. His arrest is arbitrary, as it was carried out without a warrant, thereby violating Article 25(2) of the Somaliland Constitution, which states that the police must attain a warrant from a judge before arresting and detaining someone. Abdirahman remains detained at Hargeisa Central Prison. He has yet to be brought before a court or formally charged. I am calling on the Somaliland government to immediately and unconditionally release Abdirahman Ibrahim Adan from arbitrary detention, as he is detained solely for exercising his right to freedom of expression. I also urge the government to fully respect, protect, promote and fulfil the right to freedom of expression of everyone in Somaliland. Yours sincerely, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The Somaliland government has increased its efforts to clampdown on dissent since the current government administration took office. The government continues to target poets, journalists, as well as anyone perceived as being opposed to it, or any person from Somaliland who could be perceived as publicly being open to unifying with the rest of Somalia. PREFERRED LANGUAGE TO ADDRESS TARGET: Somali, English You can also write in your own language. PLEASE TAKE ACTION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE UNTIL: 20 03 2019 Please check with the Amnesty office in your country if you wish to send appeals after the deadline.

NAME AND PREFFERED PRONOUN: Abdirahman Ibrahim Adan alias Abdirahman Abees (He, His, him) LINK TO PREVIOUS UA: None.


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