The Dynamics Of The Relationship Of Hegemonic Ethiopia And Weaker Somalia / Djibouti /Somaliland. | WAJAALE NEWS
The Dynamics Of The Relationship Of Hegemonic Ethiopia And Weaker Somalia / Djibouti /Somaliland.
June 22, 2018 - Written by Editor:

“Hegemony is an imposing dominance in which the hegemon (leader state) rules geographically subordinate states by the implied means of power, rather than by direct military force. Well, in the case of Somalia Ethiopia did rule there by direct military force there.

Subordinate states either give “unwilling consent” or “voluntary consent” to the agenda imposed on them by the stronger states. Accordingly, social forces that commence within the powerful states soon spillover into weak states, and the policy implications or adaptive mechanisms that accompany them imposed upon or integrated into the political economy of these weak states. The socio-political developments produced by the dynamics of the economic system in turn generate institutions and policy changes that determine world orders (Colclough, & Manor, 1991; United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), 1995; Toulmin, 1992).

In the 19th century, hegemony denoted the geopolitical and the cultural predominance of one country upon others; from which derived hegemonism,

The threat of the threat:

The leader state (hegemon) dictates the internal politics and even the social character of the subordinate states that constitute the hegemonic sphere of influence, either by an internal sponsored government or by an external installed government. without direct intervention by the hegemon; examples are the latter-stage Spanish and British empires of the 19th and 20th century Reichs of Unified Germany (1871–1945), and by the end of the twentieth century, the the United States
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

When a hegemon exercises leadership, either through diplomacy, coercion, or persuasion, it is actually deploying its predominance of power.” This is called hegemony, which refers to a state’s ability to “single-handedly dominate the rules and arrangements [of] weaker states than them in their political and economic relations. It seems that is exactly what has happened in Mogadishu, Somali. Hegemonic Ethiopia administers parts or all of Somalia whereby it does not do that in Somaliland and Djiboute! However In the case of Somaliland and Djibouti the hegemon does business without direct intervention and that is the way the Cooke crumbles in the horn of Africa!


Ibrahim M Mead

Director of Somaliland Watch Group

Ottawa, Canada

Thursday, June 21, 2018