War-Deg-Dega:Madaxwaynaha Somaliland Oo Si Adag Uga Hadlay Muslimiinta ROHINYA Ee Lagu Xasuuqay Dalka Barma Baaqna U Diray Bulshada Caalamka | WAJAALE NEWS
War-Deg-Dega:Madaxwaynaha Somaliland Oo Si Adag Uga Hadlay Muslimiinta ROHINYA Ee Lagu Xasuuqay Dalka Barma Baaqna U Diray Bulshada Caalamka
September 9, 2017 - Written by Editor:

Hargaysa(Wajaalenews)madaxwaynaha JamhuuriyadaSomalialnd Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Silaanyo ayaa si qiiro leh uga hadlay dadka muslimiinta ah ee lagu gumaaday dalka Barma waxaanu madaxwayne Silaanyo ka codsaday xukuumada dalkaas ee uu hogaaminayo Myanmar in uu u naxo dadkaas kana joojiyo ciidamada uu u adeegsanayo ee u gumaadaya sida arxan darada ah.


The President of Republic of Somaliland;

H.E. Ahmed Mohamed (Silanyo)


In The Name of ALLAH, the Most Merciful Most Magnificent;


We are utterly disturbed by the reports and scenes of inhuman treatment of the Rohingya community by the Myanmar security forces. We urge Myanmar government to stop the horrendous violence and the ethnic, and religious cleansing against the Rohingya civilians, and to allow humanitarian assistance to reach those who need it so desperately.

We urge the international community, particularly the UN, to act to stop the genocidal campaign waged against the Rohingya people in Myanmar.


H.E. Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo,

The President of the Republic of Somaliland


Released by: the Presidential Press, Communications and Spokesman’s Office,