When Conscience muted and Shame come to a close. Ibrahim M Mead
February 16, 2015 - Written by Editor:Introduction They destroyed the institutions of the country one after the other. Both the houses and the executive branch stand for their own interest. The terms of the houses have expired long time ago and they still collect their salaries! The executive will die after June 2015 but they don’t care! They shamelessly live on the back of the poor people and enjoy it Also the character and the integrity of the people changed with them where by people do not distinguish the good from the bad and the right from the wrong! One my wonder if the ruler and the ruled still suffer traumas resulted from the wars against the genocide regime of Siyad Barre. The feelings surrounding trauma If not addressed, can persist and impair judgment and in effect freeze people into destructive patterns of behavior, including corruption, self-centered behavior and complete lack of understanding of the consequences of their deceptive actions regarding the well fair of the state, the cohesion of the people and the future of the country they run.
Yesterday and to day We were selling the right product before we sold Somaliland Soul, Character and Conscience. We were selling- PCD. Participatory and Consultative Democracy supported and backed by United Communities who made possible the peace and the stability we refer every time. We packaged that product not only for the local market but for the out side markets as well. What we did not understood was that this package was subject to constant Review, Renewal and Improvement. We did not do that. Reeyal’s administration weakened it, however the fatal below came from Siilanyo’s administration. They threw away the whole package and instead created an oligarch government instead! With this transformation from the government of the people and for the people to an oligarch government, died the institutions of government. For example the Parliament and the long time expired Guurti are not only illegitimate because their term expired but they conspired with the executive branch they were supposed to watch their excess The Guurti is there to renew the terms of the legislative and the executive while the executive renews the terms of the Guurti. Scratch-my-back I-will-scratch yours! That is the sad, sad situation Somaliland is now. They made Somaliland their cash cow
The people collectively are partly responsible of this failure of governance and this crisis of leadership we are experiencing in Somaliland because of the demons we worship and that are tribalism, clanism and cabalism. It is not that Somaliland people can trust the troubled Siilanyo administration; it is that can the administration trust the people. The author believes that neither the people trust them nor do they trust the people. There is a disconnection and distance between the people and Siilanyo’s administration! The trade marks of Siilanyo’s administration is divide the people, bet one community against the other, disregard the constitution and the laws of the land and do what ever you want. Only a shameless and unconscionable entity could dare do that. The conscience of Siilanyo and associates dimed and fell silent long ago, and shame has died and with it the boundaries between good and evil got not only blurred but became intertwined with each other until they can not distinguish the evil from the good and visa versa as far as they are concerned!. The right way for a conscionable administration is uniting the people, listen their fears and concerns. Respect the constitution of the state and safeguard the law of the land.
Imagine if you have no conscience, no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what you did or do have no sense of concern for the well-being of others, the very people who trusted you to mind their cause! So called elites in Somaliland are not horrified by the blatant and unconcealed manifestations of venom the government propagates in the nation’s media out lets like the national TV. They have become accustomed to them. They do not turn away from shamelessness; On the contrary, they are even attracted by it and give in to its temptation. In the opinion of the alienated people in the know, it seems that we are budding up entire generations of shameless people. They lie, they betray, they misappropriate public funds and properties and find joy in that! With the loss of conscience, with shamelessness, and in the absence of spiritual resistance, the success of evil is not only guaranteed but we see it to believe it in to days Somaliland, even though the doers and the sycophants may dispute shamelessly!
Shame Conclusion
Director, Somaliland Watch Group Ottawa, Canada
How ever peace and prayers Kingmead1@yahoo.ca
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