Our Specs Has To Change Somalilander’s | WAJAALE NEWS
Our Specs Has To Change Somalilander’s
January 12, 2015 - Written by Editor:

Our specs has to change and we must adhere more to moral and ethical principles because as a nation we misunderstood the true means of institutions at all level. One dictionary defines institution as an organization, establishment, foundation, society, or the like, devoted to the promotion of a particular cause or program, especially one of a public, educational, or charitable character. But in Somaliland context it is defined as the devotion to promote ones self-profit means. It is really incomprehensible that the majority of the people are only concerned primarily with one’s own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others. We must force our strength by setting examples and fight corruption, medical malpractices to join our hands all together to get more honourable in principles, intentions, and actio my fellow Somalilander’s.

The truth is stronger than fiction and as Somalilanders we have this context that says that our people don’t love the truth to be told specially not to them. And I don’t agree with that weak mentality which circulates with in us and mostly people agree with it and as a witness I have been told so many times that I shouldn’t have to be so straight forward other wise people won’t take it easily and I could get so many enemies.

My answer to that was simple and said that Herbert Bayard Swope, NY World editor and politi- cian, said it best: “I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure which is ‘try to please everybody’.”

What I really mean is that we have to change and it is not so easy and would not be done in a glimpse as Pat Mesity said; “It takes time to prepare. It takes time to learn. It also takes time to reach the next stage, to win the race. We must remember that success is a marathon, not a sprint. Time tests and proves what we really are.” And we have been the champions so far as a nation but our poor work gives the lie to the claims of experience when we deeply check in our whole institutions systems wether private, governmental etcetera.

We must all learn that media critics doesn’t mean you have been targeted as government but should see it as an advantage to pull your right from wrong, because it happens that sometimes by being overtaken by so much work you miss so many things and it’s to the media as well as the citizens to shout it out and it shouldn’t have to make you feel uncomfortable. And as I said in one of my previous articles I love to share healthy thoughts by always trying to enlighten on any topic am on which gives me a great pleasure to be in some way beneficial to the public concerns in which I believe that more has to be said.