Gabilians are blessed because evil hates them and calls them names | WAJAALE NEWS
Gabilians are blessed because evil hates them and calls them names
January 19, 2015 - Written by Editor:

What ever precipitated the name calling Gabiley received from top aid of Siilanyo Mr. Hersi, it is unacceptable and shame to him and to his uncle, Mr.Siilanyo.
Mr. Hersi called Gabiley people “Oromo” that means Gabiley region which is the most productive and one of the most populous regions in Somaliland is an Ethiopian region! In this respect, when Gabiley goes to Addis Ababa and the Eastern regions already gone to Mogadishu and the Western region of Oudal is contemplating for their next move “what is left for Somaliland?” one wonders! “Think before you say” one may advise

Gabiley Region must have done some thing right to earn the madness of Hersi.
It is said that when evil hates you and calls you names God loves you. When evil and evil doer loves you and praise you God do not love you. Gabilians are blessed because evil hates them and calls them names. Stand on your ground brothers and sisters in Gabiley.

1- Mr.Hersi and others must know that Gabiley and Berbera pay the bill of the state, his salary and that of the President included. Thus it is the responsibility of the recipients of the proceeds that comes from these two economically vital out lets to take care the roads which feeds them with out slandering the people in these regions. I think that is fair to say
2- For calling Gabilians Oromo, well, I don’t know about Mr. Hersi but the great, great grand Mother of over 90% of the Issaq people was “Magaadu” and Mother Magaadu may Allah bless her soul was “Oromo” the only people who are afraid of Mother Magaadu are Siilanyo and his administration because Siilanyo belongs to the 10% of the Issaq clans. We are proud of our mother Magaadu but we are Somalilanders now because of the Paternity side of our genealogy
3- the other thing Brother Hersi forgot was that Hargeisa, Berbera, Burao, Oudwayni, Baligubadli, Erigavo, all are, what Gabiley is, Oromo or no Oromo.

Gabiley formed the liberation resistance movement of “Afraad” against Siyad Barre’s genocidal regime alone in 1979, long before SNM was established. She fought alone; she buried her sons and daughters alone for over two years, long before SNM came to existence. Siilanyo was a trusted aid to Siyad Barre at that time. “Afraad” of Gabiley was the nucleus and the base of SNM military wing. Gabiley contributed more Mujahedeen than most of the other regions of Somaliland and she suffered and endured more punishment from the repressive and genocidal regime of Siyad Barre more than others. Gabiley lost more Mujahedeen than most other regions of the nation did as well. It is not just a talk it is a matter of history.
Instead of recognizing the debt every living Somalilanders owes for Gabiley and for those who liberated them and found the lost 1st Republic of Somaliland of 1960 with their blood and treasure, Siilanyo and clique demean them let alone remember them, let alone recognize them and respect them.This kind of ingratitude and ungratefulness is the character of the scorpion which Siilanyo has and practices it so often
What Siilanyo has been doing to Gabiley from the beginning is considered as an unwarranted revenge against Gabilians because that is his character. Support the guy and you are bitten! Gabilians must understand that the evil acts of Siilanyo and clique are not confined to them alone even though they got the impact of it more than others; however, it affects other communities as well. We must take this as a teachable moment where we ought to learn a lesson and move on and rescue the country.
“Allah guides not the snares of the false ones”.
“The end belongs to the righteous”

Peace and Prayers
Ibrahim M Mead