Traditional Leaders have no Right for Guarantying Musi Bihi to be the Ultimate Candidate as It is Open any Contender . | WAJAALE NEWS
Traditional Leaders have no Right for Guarantying Musi Bihi to be the Ultimate Candidate as It is Open any Contender .
December 21, 2014 - Written by Editor:

Hargeisa(Wajaalenews);Notably, in the front pages of the local newspapers and also the mass media including television’s head title news was about the rifle war between three candidates from the clans of Sa’ad Muuse and the possibility one of them to be the final official candidate that would run the first man in the country when it’s due.

salaadiyiinta dhaqanka looma xilsaarin

The decision of selection needs to be based on the legal procedure considering many things to be under taken and as well as to ask who has got the mandate for final selection when it comes the candidates that would stand for the presidential election.

Nowadays, the Sa’ad Muuse Development Committee had announced that they have selected as Muse Bihi Abdi to be the candidate of the upcoming Presidential Election in Somaliland and underlined that any other candidate on behalf of the Sa’ad Muse would be disregarded, but the decision from the traditional leaders and Committee of the Development of Sa’ad Muuse tends to be something unfavorable to other two contenders, like the Finance Minister of Somaliland Abdi Asiis Mahamed Samale and Minister of Somaliland Foreign Affairs and International Relations Mahamed Bihi Yonis, who believe decision from the Sa’ad Muse Committee was void and the competition within Kulmiye Party, particularly the Kulmiye Council would be reached the final decision for the ultimate candidate as a Kulmiye Party , the candidates would strive and put all their efforts on to collect and make more supporters to pave the way for the ambition to stand the forthcoming competition of Presidential Election.

Nevertheless, the final decision from Sa’ad Muse Development Committee and the Traditional Leaders might not guarantee Muse Bihi to be the only one who would run for the presidential election, that seems to be worthless and time losing, but what needs to be understood was whether the Development Committee had fulfilled for their responsibilities and the nature of their appointment was to work the development of Sa’ad Muse, especially in cultural, business, education, to increase the livelihood of the poor families and to cooperate the relationship within and outside the other communities and so forth.

For one thing, it has been mislead on the nature of the Committee and the scope of their work, remarkable, the rifle between the two candidates of the Chairperson of Kulmiye Party Mouse Bihi and Minister of Finance Abdi Asiis Samaale was not the first and second time for the argument of the candidacy, but something we come up with in the meanwhile when Sa’ad Muse Meeting was held in Agabar, after fierce competition of the two was in the peak as the preparation committee recommended that neither both (Muse Bihi and Abdi Asiis Samale) would not be allowed to take part in the meeting nor to mediate or intervene the issue of their argument of candidacy as every Somaliland Citizen has the right to be elected, it’s not obliged that someone would have the right to be candidate, where others are not allowed.

Furthermore, we are not supposed to loss time for events where group of supporters on one side gather to appoint for their candidate while condemn the others, Traditional Leaders have to fill for their part of responsibilities and do things in the right way, but it is unacceptable if they turn to consider on personal and minor interest for having to misrepresent on behalf of their community.

The last, Somaliland Minister of Finance, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations and Chairperson of Kulmiye Party have the same and equal rights to run for coming Presidential Election in Somaliland, but local and Traditional Leaders might not guarantee to nominee someone to be the final candidate as right contender would arise from within Kulmiye Pary and that would be the final decision of ensuring who would be the Future President in the Country.

