November 14, 2014 - Written by Editor:Lately with in Somaliland there was an atmosphere of rage emanating from the youth who displayed massively through the newspapers, blogs, facebook and Twitter SONYO fraudulence. Mahmoud Salah demonstration opened up SONYO corruption led to the unimaginable stage of responses from the youth communicating through social media in sociable manners never witnessed before and the presence of an atmosphere of enthusiasm was installed around the issue that it created an-unstoppable truism demonstrated-in figures & facts Somaliland in social media. For the first time Somaliland youth had one common views abutting to bring them together discussing their own well being interest agreeing that SONYO doesn’t represent the national youth by making their profile picture SONYO logo with two red lines that crisscross the organisation logo because they haven’t earned the privilege and has done nothing for the youth. On an article that was published in The Guardian by Eugenia Lee Friday 2 May 2014, Eugenia Lee worked as an international development worker before becoming a social impact ethnographer. To open up the debate on corruption is already wide spread in Somaliland and it is the biggest handicap that needs preventive measures. And from the so many local NGO’s SONYO consists making it an umbrella only few of the fifties are operational having offices the rest are “briefcase NGO” as Eugenia Lee witnessed in Kenya, and all the funds and donations are divided in fifty ways pockets and a tiny sum is put aside for the programmes, fabricated financial statements and well-written reports plus the planned field trips photos of work shops, local communities groups and banners in which is printed the donors organisation emblem and the purpose of work. Less work done! But a genuinely drafted report of fifty pages detailing every single steps of the objective goals attached with many photos meet the contentment satisfactory of donors who gets overwhelmed by their touch. ANONYMOUS