Somalilander’s let us pull our right from wrong;By: ADEN DEEQ | WAJAALE NEWS
Somalilander’s let us pull our right from wrong;By: ADEN DEEQ
October 8, 2014 - Written by Editor:

Your mind will either build you a prison or a palace, and that is determined by the materials you use said Pat Mesiti an Entrepreneur, and International Bestselling Author, Speaker and Mindset Expert.

Beginning from the time we’ve got our freedom back we the people of Somaliland have been using the wrong methodologies of governance always using a tribal system of governance always electing our leaders according to their clans status. And in certain ways we have achieved a lot in accordance of democracy rules, but what we really lacking of is the proper candidates who got the academic skills of leadership to take our nation to an international heights of good governance. If you check the consistence of the actual government you will see it has not an efficient political qualifications, and when you check out the ministerial body our government consist. All that is due to bad selecting system we use which is not based on academic experience, competence and background.

But as the oral society we known to be we always elect the worst crooks who are known within our society to be the trouble makers which their voices are always on the front pages of our daily newspapers always inciting revolts. Those are the ones who always ends to be appointed to office. Once they got the sits they immediately switch to be so corrupted misusing the public office funds forgetting what they were preaching about before being appointed to office. And so on and on comes others and that is the vicious circle we’ve been living in. We always tend to clap and warmly welcome propaganda’s inciters by always crying at the end saying we wish we knew while we always been aware off. We must be committed to our personal political development. All of us can have more. How? By becoming more. We can become more than we are right now by focusing on our personal political system development in which our opposition parties “UCID & WADANI” always plant negative words into the population’s ears and those words have the potential to become embedded in our subconscious where they can produce fruit that we do not want on the tree of our lives.

Our mind will either build us a prison or a palace, and that is determined by the materials we use.

And for so long our minds as Somalilander’s build us a prison in which we reside in locked inside containing us allowing us no freedom due to our own choices.

A man once came up to Pat Mesiti an Entrepreneur, and International Bestselling Author, Speaker and Mindset Expert and said, ‘Pat Mesiti, I’m sick of all your happy claptrap.’ He continued, ‘I’ve had 20 years of experience. What could you know that I don’t?’

His wife was standing behind him, looking embarrassed.

He said to him, ‘Sir, you haven’t had 20 years’ experience, you’ve had one experience over and over for 20 years. And as a result you’re miserable, you’re tight and you’re poor.’

And that is exactly how we are miserable tight and poor because we have had one experience for years over and over for 23 years and we’ve got to climb those walls and get our thinking to another level.

We need to learn to think like this:

who deserves a great government free from corruption and with a good fair judicial system and it’s constitution properly applied ? We do! Who deserves it’s people gets to be prosperous ? We do!

We have been making the wrong decisions over and over again we the people and excuses were the means by which we attempt to justify our shortcomings, and I believe it is time for us to pull our rights from wrong and remember, the only difference between a rut and a grave is time. So let’s not die with prosperity sitting dormant within us!.