Siilanyo’s leadership crashed. To salvage Somaliland he must change his failed policy and people or be changed | WAJAALE NEWS
Siilanyo’s leadership crashed. To salvage Somaliland he must change his failed policy and people or be changed
October 23, 2014 - Written by Editor:

OTTAWA(Wajaalenews);Siilanyo’s Leadership crashed; they lost the trust of the people of Somaliland and that of the neighboring countries, where are they heading to?
“Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves, But when Allah willeth a people’s punishment there can be NO turning it back, nor will they find besides Him any to protect” (Al Ra’ad-v11)



Stanley Cohen’s book highlights that “States of Denial are equally as evident with nations as with People, organizations; governments or whole societies when presented with information that is too disturbing, and anomalous to be fully absorbed or openly acknowledged. The information is therefore somehow repressed, disavowed, pushed aside or reinterpreted its implications. Cognitive, emotional or moral are evaded, neutralized or rationalized away. (p. 1) some people develop the capacity to switch off, turn a blind eye or fool themselves to such an extent that it limits their well-being and further growth. The base of self-DDD is two contradictory representations or knowings. One is what we know to be true. The other is a misleading representation. At a higher, more complex level, we fool ourselves, temporarily, into thinking that ‘what we know to be true is not true and the misleading representation is true; a double delusion.” Siilanyo leadership may be in this state of mind and behavior or worse could be considers as traitors and betrayals!  Our leaders seem deceiving the people or they are deceiving themselves. Deceiving our selves requires that we both know and not-know something! The people we spoke believe that this is what the President and his operative’s exhibit every time they answer a question!

One may wonder how is it possible for the president to have ‘undeniable’ evidence that the country is OK and stable when every body else out side his circle sees that the country is isolated and hanging on a thread and could disintegrate any moment; and yet not taking any practical and helpful action to do anything about it, furthermore the administration vehemently rejects the advises and the views of the reputable members of the civil society who see the National problems in techno color and want to help, like the ‘Madasha Wadatashiga iyu Toosinta’, Somaliland Watch Group (SWG) and other concerned civil society groups and individuals’!?


How did the leadership maintain the illusion that every thing is fine when it is not, when a lot are dismally wrong? When even Regions like Gabiley which considers itself as the pioneer of the struggle for the liberation of Somaliland by being the first to engage Siyaad barre’s genocidal regime and fought against them for over two years alone under “Afraad Front” when there was no SNM at the time cried that they don not trust Siilanyo administration and that they disowned them!. Ironically Gabiley which was the base of the ruling party declared that they don not trust the government and even when further and said that they do not recognize Siilanyo’s administration any more! Keep in mind that some eastern regions claimed that they don’t recognize Somaliland government! Remember that the so called “Khaatumo state” was (inadvertently) established by Siilanyo administration’s help! They facilitated that thing to happen for reasons beyond our understanding. How did they not notice that (particularly) the government was fooling her-self?! Clinging to such misleading beliefs that it is ‘all right’ when deep down it is ‘all wrong’ and sustain this wrong in the face of counter evidence that it is all wrong!  They are in a state of both, know and not-know something situation! Somaliland leadership is astray in a long distance.


The government and the people are distance apart:
When the government of Somaliland comes down to the point where the enemy they see is no other than their own people.

2-When the conscionable and the moral people are isolated, disregarded and at times threatened.

3- When the administration’s policy is to divide the people, isolate some, punish some and enrich those who hold their sin as to live longer!
4 When the people see their government is the only enemy that attacks them in their homes and in the streets and kills them in the wee hours of the night using the notorious “RRU” killers; that shows disconnection, disengagement, distrust and distance between the leadership and the people. The government’s actions show that they are not for the people!
5- Insiders and top security people confirmed what the people already believed which is that the nation is a hostage to a few but powerful fundamentalists and the President is just a stamp for them according to the said topnotch officials in the secret service department. That did not only caused the isolation of Somaliland but it showed that the democratic government the people elected four years ago has derailed and crashed, disgracefully in the hands of the follies and the alleged fundamentalists!!
4- When the security chiefs confirmed for the already worried people that there is a diminishing capacity on the part of the President then the situation is urgent; thus emergency national action is warranted.:.


The success of leaders depends on their ability to develop and sustain at least some levels of trust and integrity in their people. To maintained trust there needs to be honesty, integrity, openness and transparency in every aspect of the government.
Trustworthy leadership has to make sure that a code of ethics exists and more importantly they must adhere to this specific code in all of their dealings with their people. To do that the entrusted Ministers and other government officials must be up to the job, educationally as well as morally. Such people must be connected emotionally with the people and with the situations evolving in the country. In Somaliland the chairman of the Guurti, the speaker of the House and the President has no emotional connections with their people! Forget about the alleged fundamentalists and or sympathizers of the said entity with a hidden agenda. Somaliland is crying for help.

The integrity of all the institutions of the country has been systematically corrupted, discredited, degraded and compromised.
Corruption has been created and nurtured in every level of the government where by it became part of the culture. It integrated with the culture therefore accepted as some thing normal! The country has been neglected, ransacked, robbed, humiliated, and disgraced in the local and the international arenas during the four years of Siilanyo’s administration!
When honesty, transparency, morality and integrity are lacking, and they are lacking gloomily in Somaliland, then there can be no trust and when trust levels break down there will be no loyalty. No one believes in the leadership of Siilanyo and the government the uncaring and uneducated few lead and that is the prevailing situation in Somaliland,
It is difficult, however to develop a climate of trust in the absence of ethics, honesty, transparency, fairness, justice, accountability and responsibility and they are all absent there in Somaliland under present governing oligarchy. Only when the people who changed the government by the people and for the people to Oligarchy entity are changed or they change what is in themselves which is unlikely, then any hope of good governance will remain an exercise in futility!


Consider the relationship between the people and the government when the governed believe that they cannot trust the governor, and then the trust relationship breaks down.
There is dishonesty and deception on the part of the government, therefore one may safely say that trust of the government has declined at a rate that will be very hard to recover in the future. Somaliland government is in every aspect rotten to the core. They divided the people in to hostile sub-clan levels. Government Ministries do this dirty job for the leadership instead of serving the people. They serve for the few who consider Somaliland as a family enterprise!

The decline in people trust levels in Mr.Siilanyo’s oligarchy government is at an all time low. Over 90% have no faith in Mr. Siilanyo’s leadership and do not feel their leaders can be trusted or that they are honest, trustworthy and ethical. Chairman Suleiman “Gaal” is with Siilanyo in this evilly in every turn and in every corner.
The sycophants and the Guulwadayaal, the cabals the goons and the parasites around this government may differ with the conscionable majority in this point of view. In Somaliland there is a need to win the trust of the people but in addition Mr. Siilanyo needs to urgently win the TRUST of both the National, Regional and International communities which he lost. Trust levels in him and his government eroded to a point of no return!
Both the “Guurti” and the Parliament’s terms have long ago expired; therefore their salaries must also expire. The executive and the other two bodies use Somaliland as a cash cow! They never asked what they can do for their country; instead they always ask what their country can do for them and for them alone. This ought to stop
The leadership of Siilanyo must change what is in them-selves or be changed to save Somaliland, no in between.
They must demonstrate that they are a changed entity. People must see that change to believe it. That change must not be cosmetical but it must be fundamental. Any thing less than that drastic change in intent, attitude, conduct, behavior and action is simply business as usual and that is a recipe for disaster not only in Somaliland but for the whole region at large It could well be for the end of Somaliland (God forbid) as we know it. Change the agents of evil if you want to dispel evil:
Change the agents of evil if you want to dispel evil and bring back the government of the people and for the people to the people of Somaliland. SWG is calling the international community to consult with the moral people, let them consult with the “MDASHA WDATASHIGA IYO TOOSINTA” and others with similar stature

SWG is calling the Madasha Wadatashiga+ Authentic Sultans+ and the conscionable sector of the society not to wait any more but to call for a national consultations and corrections forthwith with or with out the consent of Siilanyo and his clique
We rescued Somaliland before we have to do it again. If presidential and parliamentarian elections are not conducted. We must call for a Provisional Council which temporarily runs the affairs of the state until fair elections are conducted and a reputable Parliament and President are elected
Well, to save the country the government must listen, see, hear and change the crew and the bad and deceptive polices that put Somaliland in this unfortunate situation or be changed
Somaliland needs to undo a lot of things and do a lot of other things at the same time.
Somaliland needs good governance with all its fundamentals established. And not only that, it needs the character and the lost personality of the Somaliland citizens to be restored and rebuild all over again

“The hypocrites, men and women are alike. They are of each other. They understand each other’s duplicity. They hold together. Hypocrites pretend a great deal, but are of no use or real help to any one. They enjoin evil and forbid what is just. They have forgotten Allah: so He has forgotten them, verily the hypocrites are rebellious and perverse.”(Al tooba v.67)

However peace and prayers

Ibrahim M Mead

Executive Director