Since when peace and stability in Somaliland became a curse! | WAJAALE NEWS
Since when peace and stability in Somaliland became a curse!
September 1, 2014 - Written by Editor:

Our heart felt condolences to the families of all who lost their lives in Saxdhaar.

My Allah bestows his mercy to the deceased.

What has happened in ‘Saaxdheer’ was unfortunate, and we are saddened that a number of people lost their lives there. Both sides who lost their lives are citizens of Somaliland. This incident was supposed to be avoided by all actors.


a-To avoid the lost of lives from both sides, Somaliland government was supposed to not allow the Airplanes transporting people from Mogadishu of Somalia to ‘Buhudli’ of Somaliland in the first place as a preventive measure. Somaliland administration failed to do that, instead they reacted after the fact.

b- The professor turned warlord, Mr. Ali Galayd was not supposed to sacrifice innocent clansmen for his personal ambition. It seems that he won a subcontract from unfriendly entity to de-stabilize Somaliland.

c- The UN representative for Somalia was not supposed to tacitly support in words or in deeds activities which were intended to sabotage the stability and the territorial integrity of Somaliland which Somalilanders believe he did.

SLWG believes that all parties missed the point somehow or the other. That is said; Somaliland government has the right to exercise her duty to safe guide the safety and security of her people and to protect the territorial integrity of the state On the other hand no one person or entity has a right to tell Somaliland not to protect her borders.


Since when peace and stability in Somaliland became a curse! Now we see that peace and stability in Somaliland is a problem as far as Somalia and the UN Ambassador for Somalia are concerned. The UN Ambassador for Somalia is blatantly saying that Somaliland has no right to defend her sovereignty and territorial integrity which means that Somaliland has no right to live in peace with in her borders! That is how the Somaliland people have translated the UN Ambassador’s words as well as his actions. Well, that is ridiculous and unacceptable as far as Somaliland people are concerned


Somaliland was a victim of ethnic cleansing and genocide. She did not only survive from that but she prevailed, prospered and created an oasis of peace and stability in her country after she defeated the genocidal regime of Mogadishu. Now Somaliland is facing another threat she never thought she will face. Somaliland never thought that the peace and stability she created in her territories with out any help from the so called international community will become a curse she has to live with! Somalia and the UN Ambassador for Somalia are out there to sabotage and undermine Somaliland peace and stability.


Somalia’s hate of the existence of Somaliland was known and obvious and deliberate but the UNISOM and the UN Ambassador’s destabilizing underhand activities is a new additional factor to Somaliland. Creating instability in Somaliland was mostly subtle as far as the UN is concerned until now. The UN Ambassador and others attacked Somaliland when she chased away the professor turned war lord and Somalia’s deputies who sneaked in to Somaliland territory to cause tribal war and instability in Saxdheer of Somaliland.

Justice must not be aloof any more for Somaliland; it was so aloof for Somaliland for so long a time! I hope the international community particularly the UN ambassador to Somalia see the other side of the coin and stop pretending that he doesn’t see the reality on the ground.

Live-and-let live is the rule of common justice and that is what Somaliland was built on and that is what she expects from sensible others even when we don’t see any sensible actors on the part of somalia and the UN there.. Forced marriage is not the answer. That defies the basic rights of conscience. That defies the fundamental rights of self determination of the people of Somaliland and thus will not work


The elected and democratic government of Somaliland must not be sacrificed for a bunch of unelected, foreign packaged entity which repetitively failed to produce peace and stability in Somalia. Instead they produced, Al shabaab terrorists, Refugees and sea piracy. Ironically they are recognized by the international community as the legitimate government of Somalia! They are not accountable to their people; they are accountable to their patrons, the foreign (UN) entities, which actually made them in foreign hotels in the first place!


Somalia is indulging the politics of envy instead of emulating Somaliland

“Envy is a tendency to view the well-being of others with misery others. Envy aims; at least in terms of one’s desire to destroy others’ good fortune.” (Aristotle Rhetoric)That is what Somalia is doing and that is what Somalilanders believe the UN Ambassador is approving in his own ways and means The only game Somalia is good at when it comes to Somaliland is not to seek help and ask the relevant question of: “how did you guys do it? Help us and show us how you did it” they did not do that! They only play the politics of envy and the international community does not tell them the truth, they help them indulge the politics of envy against Somaliland instead!

Somalia factions do not worry of their pity situations, they instead worry of the peace and stability of Somaliland and they sabotage to wreck that achievement! They worry of the democracy which took roots in Somaliland Ironically the international community specially the UN seems that they are in tune with this ungodly attitude and behavior! This is beyond the bounds of fairness as far as Somaliland is concerned. It is also beyond the bonds of logic!



When the mindless and the mindful are in opposite corners, there is no rationale to drag the mindful to the dungeon of the mindless expecting a good return from there! However there is a rationale to help the mindless accordingly. Let the mindful, help the mindless. Let Somaliland do this job for Somalia and let Somalia and the UN refrain undermining Somaliland’s achievements.

Great actions speak great minds and great minds do great and fair actions and such should prevail in the horn of Africa instead of sabotaging and undermining peaceful and stable Somaliland. Foreign owned and evil possessed Somalia factions should never get a sacrificial (Somaliland) lamb in their plate! Conscionable people of the international community must never accept this!
Somaliland people will never allow this to happen what ever the cause may be! Therefore, let every body come to his or her sense and instead find the right way to help the confused Somalia with out sacrificing Somaliland for them! Going back to Somalia is a no go proposition as far as the people of Somaliland are concerned.

Somalia and the UN Ambassador for Somalia better leave Somaliland alone


“Justice is a machine that when some one has given it a starting pushes, rolls on of itself “(Galsworthy-Justice) why don’t the international community particularly the UN respect if not recognize two Somali states (as they were before July 1960) living side by side in peace and harmony? That is a starting push so that justice rolls on by itself. If Somalia does not heed she must be helped by telling her to heed. This is a unique opportunity for the international community to seriously entertain this option instead of initiating and instigating destabilization of the stable Somaliland.
Two sovereign states living side by side (Somaliland) is better than sacrificing one for the other or undermining the peace and stability Somaliland people are enjoying

Let us all do what is fair. Let us do what is right for all, and let those who earn their living on the dying and the dead in the refugee camps of Somalia find a job some where else.

May God bless the Righteous?

Peace and prayers

Somaliland Watch Group

Ibrahim M Mead

Executive Director