Delusional or not Mr. Siilanyo is committing a grieve mistake in keeping the stained and inept collection he is keeping! | WAJAALE NEWS
Delusional or not Mr. Siilanyo is committing a grieve mistake in keeping the stained and inept collection he is keeping!
July 18, 2014 - Written by Editor:

Ottawa (Wajaalenews);One could survive a while by lying but in the end the truth will get him

This is synopsis of exchange of views regarding what was happening in then the Northern Regions of Somali Republic (Somaliland) between then the Minister of foreign affairs of Kuwait Sheik Sabaax Al Sabaax and the Minister of foreign affairs of Siyad Barre’s regime at the time Abdirahman Budhuq Budhuq. It was in 1980 in Kuwait (from the author’s diary)


A friend of mine who happened to be a member of a delegation led by Abdirahman Budhuq Budhuq to Kuwailt in 1980 told me this exchange between the Kuwaiti host Minister of foreign Affairs at the time Sh. Sabaax Al Sabaax and Mr. Budhuq Budhuq. Sheek Sabaax is the Amir of Kuwait now.

Sh. Sabaax asked Mr. Budhuq Budhuq, “keefa xaalu Hargaisa?” How is the situation of Hargeisa? Meaning what was going on in Somaliland at the time. The Siyad Barre’s foreign Minister replied that the situation in Hargeisa is fine. “xaalu Hargeisa Kuways”.

Sh. Sabaax Al Sabaax did not take that for an answer and said, “Xaalu Hargeisa Mush Kuways.” The situation of Hargaisa is not Ok. The Sheik Sabaax did not stop there. He said to Budhuq Budhuq, “Don’t you envision that one day they (Somaliland) may withdraw from the union with Somalia and declare their independence if you don’t stop the oppression, detentions and killings?”

“The mood became tense and Mr. Budhuq Budhuq changed the subject.” I was told.


What one can deduct from Budhuq Budhuq’s answer was that Mr. Budhuq Budhuq did not know or he did not want to know or he was lying out right. However there are others who knew what was happening in his country. It also means that one can lie all he wants but the truth is the truth and that is what counts in the end. And the truth was that catastrophic consequences will be harvested when one insists on bad policies and bad politics, when he doesn’t change course when he is wrong. To correct wrongs one must accommodate sanity and consultation. That was what Siyad Barre did not do and it is what Siilanyo does not want to do!


If Siilanyo was asked about the situation of Somaliland under his administration he would lie about it just as Budhuq Budhuq did about the situation of Somaliland at the time of Siyad Barre’s regime. The difference is that no one of the stature of Sheik Sabaax Al Sabaax told Siilanyo that he is delusional or lying. We told him that the country will disintegrate if he does not stop what he is doing, instead Siilanyo’s operatives assembled a collection of innocent women to cover his deficiencies by (Mushxarad) ringing their tongue as hard as they could when ever Mr. Siilanyo utters a word, wrong or right and the sycophants clap loudly at the same time while the “Guulwadayaal” push-away the journalists from the scene .Mr. Siilanyo better accommodate Sanity if he is aware of what is happening in Somaliland, and I hope he is!.
Siilanyo left not only a broken government but he also left a broken people. He left a broken country, an isolated country, a divided people and a disgraced and defunct government of his! Whether he comes back or not it is up to the people whether they rescue and salvage what ever is left from a thriving Republic he inherited and rebuild the Republic all over again for the third time!!

“With Allah is the command in the past and in the future. On that day shall the believers rejoice? With the help of Allah He gives victory to whom he will and He is exalted in Might, Most Merciful.” (Al Ruum-v5)



Ibrahim M Mead

Political analyst

Ottawa, Canada,


Peace and prayers