On the occasion of June 26, 1960, warning to the leadership is in order | WAJAALE NEWS
On the occasion of June 26, 1960, warning to the leadership is in order
June 28, 2014 - Written by Editor:

Instead of learning from the terrible things that we did or happened to us and do better in the future, Somaliland leaders double it down and took the wrong experience as their way! They practice it; perfect it, and most of the times do it even worse than what Somaliland has experienced before. We see it to believe it. No learning here!
On the occasion of June-1960 people are congratulating to each other but I am not congratulating any body, I am warning every body particularly the President, the Chair of the Guurti and the Speaker of the house of the representatives not to destroy the 2nd Republic. Bad leadership took one Republic to oblivion and never seen again. Leave us alone this time please! That is my message to the leaders of Somaliland on this 26 June 1960 occasion.

On this occasion of June 26-1960 I am sending a plea, a warning which ever is suitable Particularly to President Siilanyo.
Many people are sending congratulations and commemoration regarding June 26-1960. I am not doing that. I am sending a warning to All those concerned, principally Mr. Siilanyo.
Gentlemen; in 1960, independent Somaliland has vanished in four days because of the uninformed, inept leadership and the unconscious public at the time, how and under what circumstance is not relevant here. The people were watching but not understanding what was going on! The leadership did not know what they were doing and what they were not doing! They knew one thing and that was they were divided and not trusting each other.
To day the leadership is deceptive and dishonest as widely believed, so the mindlessness of destroying independent state is there despite all the suffering experienced. I am warning against repetitive idiocy.

To correct that blunder committed in 1960 hundreds of thousands lost their lives; whole cities were leveled, hundred years accumulation of wealth vanished.  It took half a century in time wise to find ourselves from 1960 blunder, yet we even did not correct that unforgettable and unforgivable mistake in a final fashion so far.

Therefore am warning you Gentlemen not to do the same as 1960 in your strange ways and means. Do not put Somaliland into that predicament again we had enough of deceit and deception, we have enough of idiocy. Enough is enough!




Ibrahim M Mead




Ibrahim M Mead

Political analyst

Ottawa, Canada