HE Ahmed M.M. Silaanyo: Is the President of the People, by the People and for the People (Part I).
February 20, 2014 - Written by Editor:By: |Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh |Hussein Deyr|Hargeysa, Republic of Somaliland|
The winning of the presidential elections by President Ahmed Silaanyo and his Party (Kulmiye) was therefore a win for democratic values, nation spirit and solidarity. It was a win for strength of character, ability to take moral responsibility, resilience and re-emergence of hope. In fact, it was a great win for all peace & development loving Somalilanders. The people of Somaliland had given the President a full mandate, the political capital and legislative means to serve the nation and the national interest in the first place, to do things better and to act and operate according to the rule of law and country’s constitution. The government of President Ahmed Silaanyo has inherited one of the most unfavourable socio-economical and political situations in our country. The scale of the mistakes and negligence of the former government was all too apparent. The former administration left behind a bankrupt country and a nation in limbo. The economy and public sector was about to fall apart, no government department was functioning as it should’ve been. The public morale was very low and the confidence in government was at its lowest point ever. When President Ahmed Silaanyo came to power, from day one he understood clearly unless he makes the necessary changes in the many areas where the Somaliland’s citizens were dissatisfied, it would be very difficult to regain the public confidence. One of the key priorities of the newly elected President was to win back the people’s confidence, trust and belief in the political system, in government as well as in the democratic system and social justice. He put together a Cabinet of all talents and exceptional abilities with strategic visions and a clear policy agenda. He came up with new policy initiatives, a new government with new priorities based upon an effective, responsive and transparent Cabinet. He started to combat and reverse the corruption and mismanagement that set in during former administration. He introduced many innovative ways of getting involving the mainstream of the society into development, politics and achieving of social objectives. The government of President Ahmed Silaanyo has come with a collective and effective strategy based on unyielding vision and mission, inspiration and ambition, justice and decisiveness, teamwork and transparency, honesty and sense of social responsibility, focusing mainly on general public interest rather than specific kith and kin or special inner circle groups. Driven by a sense of patriotism and following the courage of his convictions, President Ahmed Silaanyo leads the country into the right direction. In a relatively very short time, the President has translated his electoral promises into concrete and visible results. Conclusion: President Ahmed Silaanyo has both the motive and opportunity to look back with satisfaction into the performance and the results realized by his government during the past 3½ years. Somaliland citizens should understand the unfavourable circumstance in which this government started when they took the office, where they have come from and where they are now. We need also to see and recognize the undeniable progress in different fields and the substantial achievement this government has made so far. The President of Republic of Somaliland is a leader with a Mission and Mandate who gave a clear voice to a nation that the outside world has little heard of their voices. He is the President of the People, by the People and for the People. As the citizens of the Republic of Somaliland, we should be very proud of the good name and reputation of our country as the Beacon of Peace, Stability, Democracy and Development in the Horn of African Region. We need to strengthen the key elements that work for the social fabric and public interest and bring the citizens together, putting emphasis on our shared values, history and common destiny that enables us to pull together as a nation. We must also prevent and combat everything that divides and breaks up our nation. We should be aware of the fact that our country’s future is as bright as we make it. This is the fundamental reason why we ought to fight for what we believe in! May ALLAH (SXWT) protect the true and genuine patriot! By: |Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh |Hussein Deyr|Hargeysa, Republic of Somaliland COMMENTS