Aaska Loo Sameeyay Madaxweynihii Hore ee Koonfur Afrika Oo Ay Ku Kulmeen Madaxdii Caalamka ugu badnaa (Daawo Sawiro) | WAJAALE NEWS
Aaska Loo Sameeyay Madaxweynihii Hore ee Koonfur Afrika Oo Ay Ku Kulmeen Madaxdii Caalamka ugu badnaa (Daawo Sawiro)
December 10, 2013 - Written by Wariye:

Hargaysa(Wajaale News):-waxaa maanta si balaadhan looga soo qayb galay aaska madaxwaynihii hore ee dalka koonfur afrika hadaba daawo sadiradii madaxda ka soo qayb galay Waxa aanu jeclaysanay in aanu halkan idiinku ku soo gudbino sidii uu u dhacay aaska madaxweynihii hore ee Koonfur Afrika

Eulogy: U.S. President Barack Obama acknowledges the crowd as he delivers his speech at the memorial service for Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg

Eulogy: U.S. President Barack Obama delivers his speech at the memorial service for Nelson Mandela at the FNB soccer stadium in Johannesburg

Fitting setting: A general view of the arena which was the location of Mr Mandela?s first speech in Johannesburg after he was released from prison in 1990

?His triumph was your triumph?: President Barrack Obama is shown on a big screen as he delivers his eulogy to flag-waving and umbrella-holding mourners

Embarrassing: South African Jacob Zuma was roundly booed by the crowd when he got up to deliver his tribute to Mr Mandela

Relatives: Mr Mandela?s ex-wife Winnie Mandela Madikizela (left) and his widow Graca Machel (far right) take their seats in the stadium

Family affair: (front row) Mr Mandela?s daughters Zindzi, Zenani and Makaziwe Mandela, ex-wife Winnie Mandela Madikizela and widow Graca Machel before the service

A man waves a South African flag: South Africans have been praised for the ?dignified? way in which they have commemorated Mr Mandela?s death

Umbrella weather: The ceremony started an hour late in the pouring rain to allow dignitaries and members of the public to file in to the arena

Support: Gordon Brown, who paid tribute to Mandela in the Commons yesterday, with his wife Sarah and George W. Bush

Paying tribute: World leaders converged on the FNB Stadium in Soweto, the Johannesburg township that was a stronghold of support for the anti-apartheid struggle that Mandela embodied

?He has done it again... people from all walks of life, all here, united?: UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon pays tribute to Mr Mandela

Homage: Obama paid an emotional tribute to Nelson Mandela, thanking the people of South Africa for ?sharing? their former president with the world

Wajaale News
Hargaysa Office
Reporter:Abdiqadir Abdirahman Habane