Siilanyo’s Reshuffle Recycled The Already Recycled Recyclables But Left The Untouchables Untouched. | WAJAALE NEWS
Siilanyo’s Reshuffle Recycled The Already Recycled Recyclables But Left The Untouchables Untouched.
June 28, 2013 - Written by Author

I believe that Somaliland does not need unproductive reshuffles which became a pattern and a culture for Siilanyo’s confused, and incoherent, oligarchy administration. Somaliland needs salvation, rescue and re-establishment. This is what she needs

Somaliland played lottery. They put their money on Siilanyo. They thought he would be better than his predecessor. It did not happen as expected. They lost that bet miserably.
As a result of this bet which went wrong, Somaliland became a country unbolted, and Plundered! Somaliland needs salvation but not reshuffles of this kind. She does not need reshuffles which is recycling the same which hold no useful end for Somaliland.
As for this so-called reshuffle it is nothing but repeating the same thing, over and over again. It is much-I-do-about nothing!
The point however is that Mr. Siilanyo did not touch the untouchables, who are the core and the centre of gravity of all mischief, distain, despair and dissatisfaction the public, has of Siilanyo’s oligarchy government. They were the ones to be sacked or reshuffled. On the contrary the untouchables who happened to be the President’s clan made the so-called reshuffle it self! The man who is or is not there just signed the paper! That is the prevailing believes in the country.

Cabinet reshuffles happen for a variety of reasons and not a matter of pity politics and for the sake of reshuffle with out end product as Siilanyo’s small inner circle often do!
Periodically, smaller reshuffles may be needed to replace ministers who have resigned, retired or died. In Siilanyo’s cabinet we did not hear ministers resigned for their conscience or for any other reasons.
Reshuffles are also a way to refresh the government, often in the face of poor performance and popular dissatisfaction. That is not in the cards in Siilanyo’s oligarchy administration. They perform poorly and the people are dissatisfied with them yet they are there! In the real world, it is common, as the rulers reading the public opinion as evidenced by a prevailing unpopular sentiment may require some change in policy to reflect a change in policies and priorities. In Siilanyo’s administration it is neither appreciated nor respected nor understood.

Mr. Siilanyo’s habit of never ending reshuffle of cabinet posts is purely cover up as it is politics of a failed leader or acts of amateurs who unfortunately run the Somaliland government!
The unrecyclable were not recycled. They are the ones who recycled others.
A real honest reshuffle reflects and gives messages to the people as well as our friends in the region and the international community! The Ministers most of the people, the neighboring countries as well as the international community were wishing their termination or their reshuffle are there firmly in their positions. The international communities as well as the local citizens know that the untouchable, unrecyclable crew is still there! Many people believe that they themselves made the reshuffle and not (Siilanyo) the man who is or is not there!

Serious, moral and truthful government should end the destructive culture of ministerial reshuffles which does not hold any meaning except to hide deficiencies and inefficiencies.
In the real world, constant ministerial changes hinder parliament’s ability to hold government to account. The good news for Siilanyo’s oligarchies but a bad news for the nation is that Somaliland does not have a working and valid parliament to worry about this.
Every time there is a reshuffle, it is preceded by months of speculation about who will move where, which in itself causes a kind of paralysis within the government but Siilanyo’s oligarchy administration does not care a bit of this!
There will be times when a fresh perspective is needed, but most major government policies will benefit from having continuity of ministers in the responsible departments, provide there is a policy that needs continuity and there are responsible ministers there! Siilanyo’s administration never had a real national policy. This crazy habit of reshuffle which never had a meaning has become a habit in Siilanyo’s administration when ever they feel the wrath of the people. They bring up this reshuffle thing just to live for another day. .
Peace and prayers

Ibrahim Mead