Saliida caalamka oo la saadaalinayo inay kor u kacdo | WAJAALE NEWS
Saliida caalamka oo la saadaalinayo inay kor u kacdo
June 24, 2013 - Written by Wariye:

Wajaale news

The continuing conflict in Syria, and the slow spread of violence in the region around it, continue to make it difficult to make accurate predictions about the future of oil exports from the region. Within Syria itself production had fallen into decline about ten years ago, before the current struggle began. The precipitate drop over the last two years has, however, been much more dramatic. As Energy Export Data browser noted from the BP statistic review, production fell by 49% last year.

Syrian oil production showing the recent fall in volume
Figure 1. Syrian oil production showing the recent fall in volume

Yuusuf Jaamac